Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A lesson

Let me tell you a little story about a nurse, who had a patient, we will call that patient "Faith".

Faith was a repeat visit to the hospital, in every few weeks for various ailments, age related, acute occurrences and the like.  Faith, she was a SPITFIRE of an old woman...just a few years from 100, and completely independent.  Truth be told, while she was completely adored her for her feisty ways, she did have the tendency to get on your last nerve & under your skin...when her call bell rang...she timed you...

Faith had such great stories.  From her childhood in Europe, to her first days in Canada, all her triumphs, trials & tribulations.  Children, grandchildren, heartache & happiness.  She had a pile of newspapers at her bed, written in a language that the nurse did not understand. 

This time was different, this time Faith just wasn't as feisty, the colour of her remarkably youthful skin was not as pink & rosy.  The call bell...noticeably quieter.  The nurse had mentioned to her colleagues, that something just didn't seem right. 

Faith rang several times early on during this particular shift..."Could you please sit for 5 minutes with me"  Finally, the nurse made some time, sensing the urgency in her voice barely audible through the oxygen mask.  Faith asked the nurse, "do you believe in God? do you believe in Jesus?"...taken aback, the nurse silently nodded her head in support, not really knowing what to say.  Faith begged the nurse to sit and hold her hands while she prayed. 

For 20 minutes that nurse held Faith's warm, dry, papery hands as Faith poured her heart out to God.  Thanking him for every single aspect of her life, begging him to take care of her children if the coming weeks procedure did not go well & thanking him for this nurse who was "so kind and always treated me as though I were her Grandma"

After the lengthy conversation to God, the nurse surprised even herself with her very profound answers to some of Faith's troublesome questions. Faith's worried eyes eventually settled, her breathing eventually settled and Faith said she felt much better & not so lonely and would maybe try to get some sleep.  The nurse helped Faith into bed, tucked her in tightly, and when Faith asked the nurse if she could kiss her on the cheek for being so kind and making time to listen to her, the nurse obliged.

With Faith tucked in, the nurse left the room and to her colleagues said, it's like she knows it's her time...

Less than an hour later, Faith was gone.  The nurse was left with chills and little goosebumps over the events that had transpired.  She was also left wondering just how much faith, Faith be that much at peace.  The nurse was in awe that she could have that kind of calming effect and assist someone in their final moments to the point that they knew they could let go.  The nurse just could not get over the fact that Faith had so much faith and found that to be so truly inspiring & comforting.

The End

The nurse is still sorting out her lesson learned here...what lesson did you glean from this story?

RIP "Faith"


  1. i learned that you are an amazing nurse.

    what a precious story of dedication and

    may i pass my daughter's website to you?
    she could learn so much from you.

    rice doula


  2. That's a beautiful story. A beautiful death is almost as amazing a beautiful birth. Shifts like that make my work meaningful.

  3. well said Ms. Curses...i've been struggling at work lately to find something good about what we do...given the nature of OUR floor. i found it last night....

    ps we sure miss you around there!

  4. your story is why I'm a nurse and one of the reasons why I love my unit

  5. Oh, such a beautiful story. Can I refer to this post on my blog? Everyone should read such a beautiful story!

    My Mom has been in and out of the hospital since May of 2009 when she found out she had cancer. The nurses that God brought into her life- our lives- were the ones who brought comfort, or care, or compassion, or that all important laughter when needed. I am so thankful for each one of their kind and compassionate hearts!
    My Mom is now in Hospice. When her time comes I pray that her faith will shine like Faith's. And that God, in His infinite mercy, will be her peace.

    So happy that you are still blogging! Just move that award I gave you right over here. :)And, join Friday Pretties!!!

    Thanks for sharing this. I am so touched,

  6. Oh Dawn...What a tender experience. I have had a post done for a few weeks, waiting for you to post the perfect post...this is are quite Rosie

  7. What a touching story! This reminds me of my grandma who passed quite a few years ago now. Thank you for sharing this!

  8. Dearest Dawn,

    I come by way of my dear friend Rosie; it is quite remarkable what this journey of life has for us. This story reminds me of something that my husband told me once when I had an "end of my rope" type experience. He said to me, "Anita, FAITH is when there is nothing left." And like this woman Faith, we will all come to a point when there will be nothing left to count on BUT FAITH, the ticket to get us to the other side of the journey...then, there will no longer be a need for it, for we will be in His presence. Wow.

    Thank you for sharing your experience....a solid reminder of holding on to that ticket. Anita

  9. Hi Dawn,
    I referred this beautiful story on my Friday Pretties post and linked it. I hope that is O.K.? I just thought it was too good not to share.


  10. Hi Dawn,
    What a beautiful story you have shared here(((hugs to you)))). God bless you for being that listening ear to Faith, and to so many others in need during hospital visits. That has got to be such a tough line of work. God places people in jobs for a reason. To be of some good for somebody else. Nurses are such a special group of people!
    What an honor to be placed in situations in life to where we can be compassionate to another human being. To show the kindness that God has given to us. May God continue to give you strength, wisdom, and courage in your life (and profession).
    I hope you have a happy weekend!
    Gloria @}~`}~~~


Love you in advance for your wonderful comments!