Thursday, October 14, 2010


aka Child's Pose

*google images*


~ extremely restorative
~ gently stretches your thighs, hips & ankles
~ relieves neck & backaches
{particularly if performed with head & torso supported}
~ is known to calm down the brain, relieve stress & fatigue

are you surprised?

really? noooooo you aren't.
it's the Irish in me. the impatient, indecisive Irish.
yeah yeah, another blog re-do.

i think it's my favourite, after Rocketgirl of course.
for now.... ;)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

2 more sleeps!!!

Excited! Nervous!
Just sayin'!

PS. Bless all the hard workers who freed the Chilean miners!
So moving & amazing to watch!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

3 sleeps left!

Pinch me!  Pinch me!
3 sleeps left til my Yoga Retreat in Beautiful Shuswap Lake!

I have been looking forward to this weekend of
with Padma & her signature workshop for months!

"This October, refresh your inner strength and spend a weekend practicing wonderfully revitalizing yoga and meditation with us. We'll be exploring yoga philosophy about bliss and peace in life. Learn about the subtle energies of the body, the koshas and doshas, and practice ancient purification techniques from the classical Yoga Sutras. You'll come away completely replenished and full of knowledge of how you can maintain this excellent feeling every day. Practices will include meditation, yoga and philosophy, yogic psychology, and exercises to clear, align, and strengthen the praan or subtle life force in you."

Got my mat ready, my journal, a new Chopra book...

P I N C H   M E !!!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here we are...well, here I am.  Another middle of the night post.  3 little hours separate me from my patients and my days off. The end of those 3 little hours also marks the end of my posting here on the unit. {tiny happy dance} It's a super tough unit to work on, but with super amazing staff, however...returning to casual status at the hospital will afford me a bit more of a "life" and I am looking forward to that!

Thanksgiving is upon us, one of my favourite holidays. Why? I'll admit, it's the food. Ok & family.  In our family, Thanksgiving is just me, the hubby & the kids.  No extended family.  Just us.  Pj's all day, food all day, movies all day, MNF & MLB {go phillies! go rays! show NY who's boss!}, & coffee all day ending with a perfect little holiday feast cooked by yours truly.

What am I thankful for this year? Always so much; my perfect children who give me SO MUCH joy everyday, my very wonderful & supportive husband who lets me be me and keeps me in line {OY!}. I am so thankful that he loves all three of us beyond measure. I am thankful, although it has been the most difficult part of my days as of late, that I have the privilege to be a nurse, I have a fantastic & rewarding job.  I am thankful for my family, and my amazing extended family, Roy & Rosy too.  I am thankful that we are in a position to educate, feed, clothe and provide not only basic necessities, but can afford little luxuries for our family when others have not so much.  I am lastly ever so thankful for my friends.  Words cannot express how grateful I am to have the friends that I do.  I love my new found buddies in Blogland , & The Trifecta is one of my greatest joys {even tho they have forced me on prior occasions into cardmaking ;) }. My list is so much longer than this, and truth be told, I am not just thankful for these people & things on this weekend only...I am thankful on a daily basis for all of the above.  What are you thankful for? 

I hope this weekend finds you all in good company, in good health & well fed!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Happiness is...

Coming home after a very terrible , long,
frustrating 12 hour work day
to a wonderful dinner. 
And I don't just mean any dinner...
I mean roast
with all the trimmings. 
 Thank you dear husband.
You are a doll.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


yes. bored. trying to kick this cold before my set...i go back to work tomorrow.
bored. so i figured i'd play around with a blog re-do...having minimal success. meh.

still having VERY LIMITED success these days quieting my mind on my mat. yoga used to be so....calming...i must have lots of "stuff" to work mind is busier than ever during my practice.

coffee.  back to the blog redo.  have a terrific tuesday!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Meatless Monday

I was blog-hopping avec my coffee this morning, I came across a recipe site for a worldwide initiative if you will called, Meatless Mondays.

I read the articles, applauding the great idea and all the benefits behind it...& then i saw today's submitted recipe by a celebrity endorser.  Um, ya, GORDON RAMSAY! Those of you who know me, know how much I LOVE Gordy!

Inspired by his recipes and the Meatless Monday campaign, I'm doin' it too!  I'm sticking with my foolhardy meatless Indian meal...home made roti, basmati rice and chana masala.

MMMMMMM!  What's on your Meatless Monday menu??